The Power of You – 3 inspiring #SparkMe talks
How to find the power of You and use it to do good, not only for yourself but to the whole audience you’re talking to?
Whether you’re looking for inspiration on how to start your blogging path or just need some guidance, there are quite a few points you can take from these talks.
We all know that in today’s world, online media is taking over the classic ones. Bloggers became citizens journalists, micro-influencers we choose to believe in and the people who gained our trust.
From self-branding to lifestyle-mommy-travel-any niche blogging to being attractive, ballsy and relevant, I present you these three #SparkMe talks from the people that sparked my interest and ideas. Listening to them you might just find that spark that will reveal the power of You and help you succeed in today’s online market.
Heather B. Armstrong
On how to make a self-brand, full-time mommy blogging business, be and stay authentic:
Jon Burkhart
On how to own people’s attention with your content, be ballsy and relevant:
Danica Kombol
On marketing under the influence, how to bring influencers to a brand and make meaningful engagement with your targeted audience: 2018 will be held May 26. and 27. with the speakers like Mark W. Schaefer, Kerry O’Shea Gorgone and many more! You don’t want to miss this great opportunity to hear and interact with some of the most prominent worldwide business/marketing industry names. Moreover, you’ll have an amazing time and gather precious knowledge, experience and memories.
For more details on tickets, check Spark.Me official website and hope to see you soon!