Fempreneur beauty and the beast on Spark.me conference

I’m so looking forward to learning from Xenia Tchoumi, this
Who is Xenia Tchoumi?
As 6 language speaking entrepreneur & digital fashion influencer, Xenia is a self-made digital entrepreneur with the economics degree and very popular online magazine, Chicoverdose. And, in case that’s not enough, she speaks 6 languages and is 3 times TED speaker with topics like prejudice on internet, self-determination and the power of pain.
Fearless and bold (hence the title
fempreneur beauty and the beast), Xenia is a woman who can teach us a lot about choosing your own path, chasing and catching that dream, turn it into reality.
Through her personal examples, she inspires girls and women all around the world and is perceived as a female leadership model. Very much so, that United Nations wanted her to give a speech about the power of digital women, technology and breaking the stereotypes we face every day.
If you can’t organize your time to come to Budva next weekend, feel free to write me any questions you would like to ask Xenia or any other speaker and I’ll do my best to get you the answers 🙂
Either way, follow me on Twitter and look up for the #SparkMe hashtag, I’ll be covering the conference with some key messages from the very spot.