The ultimate list of dead giveaway AI words in the content

Do you need the ultimate list of dead giveaway AI words in the content? Ready or not, I have one and am sharing it in this very article!
What words make you think, after reading some article: „Yes, this was AI“? I know there are a few that instantly come up to your mind, like forge, delve, elevate 😊 but there are so many more of them and I gathered them all into one place, at your disposal.
Apart from giving the most basic superficial outputs (still!), there are some specific words and phrases that, put together, scream AI, which I began to notice pretty early „in the realm of“ using ChatGPT once it rolled out 😀
Once you see it, it can’t be unseen. Every ChatGPT text is a mix of phrases and words put together in a way people DO NOT speak or write. And you’ll begin to see the pattern. Still not quite sure which one in the context of tying it with the way we prompt the tool, but it is there. Just need more time (and will!) to go down that specific rabbit hole 😊
This discovery is obvious once you think about it. We as humans write more authentically and uniquely – which comes from, well, life and lived experience – something AI cannot comprehend and acknowledge since it’s only able to mimic what we feed it with. AI/ChatGPT and alike don’t have a brain, nor logic to contextually tie the prompt with what we ask them to do.
Like, imagine AI to use such poetic words to describe anxiety like miss Taylor Swift did:
„All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February..“
In what world..?
Until that happens (if ever!), here’s a list of words and phrases ChatGPT just looooove using that are the very giveaway from the get-go.
I’m not sharing this so you can go out there and fool the AI detector tools, just putting it out there for the greater good. It’s all about teaching ourselves to use AI tools and being better at it. The truth is, AI is here to stay, it’s reshaping whole industries and jobs, not using it would be a huge step back. I use it on a regular basis, for ideation, brainstorming, to bypass some basic, repetitive stuff. And when it comes to writing, whatever piece of content or script ChatGPT provide me, I always work on it with my own thoughts, points of views, context, experience. Always. I even made my very own, personal ChatGPT framework I can talk more about in a separate article, if that’s something you’re eager to learn.
It’s not supposed to make us lazy, this ChatGPT tool, but rather smarter in the ways we use it to produce content or for our small businesses. So, here’s how to tell if the articles you’re reading are mady by lazy humans and AI:
Specific words AI uses
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 |
Acted | Address | Advocated | Aided | Amidst |
Beacon | Bolster | Breeze | Captivate | Churn |
Command | Compelling | Conveys | Crack | Crucial |
Delve | Drive | Embark | Employ | Embodies |
Emphasizes | Enable | Encourage | Ensure | Elevate |
Evoke | Enduring | Enhance | Entices | Essential |
Gaze | Facilitate | Forge | Foster | Fortify |
Inundated | Ignite | Imperative | Instrument | Instills |
Navigate | Irresistible | Master | Mitigate | Multifaceted |
Refine | Oversee | Paramount | Promptly | Realm |
Soar | Revolutionize | Robust | Safeguard | Smooth |
Unleash | Sparks | Streamline | Tapestry | Uncover |
Unveils | Utilize | Transformative | Vast |
Specific phrases AI uses
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
An ongoing voyage of | As we conclude | Captivating narrative |
Conducting a comprehensive | Craft compelling and concise | Digital realm |
Embark on a journey | Encountered hurdles | Ever-evolving |
Game-changer | Golden ticket | In a sea of |
In the dynamic world of | In the realm of | Let it shine through |
On the ascent to | Reaching new heights | Seize the |
To furnish | To thrive | Treasure trove of information |
Uncharted waters | Well-crafted |
Quick tip
In addition to these lists, there are a few more things that are a dead giveaway to when AI is used in content creation. Like, the sentence length. ChatGPT is known for using the same boring and repetitive sentence length. To tackle this, use Hemingway app, for instance, or a simple „short-long-short“ sentence framework that is more aligned with the way we talk.
Hope this helps in not only distinguishing AI from human text but also making you better at using it in your day-to-day content creation and writing.
Feel free to add on more words and phrases that I might have missed in the comments below, thanks!
P.S. Both images are created with AI in Canva