What is Content Marketing and how to make it effective?

Do you know what is Content Marketing and why is it important for your brand/business/service?
Content Marketing isn’t around since yesterday, but it is in focus this year, simply because people are tired from traditional ways of marketing and advertising that yells “SELL, SELL, SELL“.
So, what is Content Marketing and how does it works?
First of all, Content Marketing represents creating an effective content in order to sell the idea of product, as opposed to the traditional marketing goals of selling the product itself. It can be in a form of an article, blog post, ebook, video, PPT-s, infographics, newsletters, emails, various reports.. and a goal is to create valuable, relevant content that people will find useful and interesting to consume and share. And the result? By doing Content Marketing, you convert visitor to a potential customer.
Since we have an attention span of a goldfish, here are few examples of Content Marketing done right 🙂
Dumb Ways To Die
I’m quite sure that you not only heard of this catchy song, you know it by heart, your kids knows it – even your pet! 🙂 But, did you know that this isn’t intro for some game or weird cartoon, that this is the campaign of a local Australian rail company for raising awareness about railway safety? And, did you know that this campaign was so successful that they managed to reduce accidents and mortality rate by 21% and that 1 million youngsters pledged to be more safe around railways?
Moja Firma
One of the best local examples of Content Marketing done right is this web portal from Telenor company with its goal to be a support for all present and future entrepreneurs. People behind this great project are serious professionals in fields such as Social Media, Marketing and PR, Human Resources, Legal and Accounting departments, and they are creating a valuable database and useful documentation about every topic regarding doing business in Serbia.
What does Content Marketing do exactly?
So, you have a product or service that you wish to sell – you’ll need an idea. Converting idea into the content that you then promote in order to get visitors, then create some more content to make them interested and if you do, you’re making them leave you their contact information (through giving ebooks, sending newsletters, making webinars, etc). If you do this properly, further clever, relevant and useful content is converting them into potential and real buyers. Simple as that, isn’t it? 🙂
This is what Content Marketing does:
- lead generation
- brand awareness and recognition
- build credibility
- build customer base
I sure hope you found this article helpful and that I encouraged you to dig into the magic of Content Marketing. If you get stuck – contact me and we’ll work on it together 🙂
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