Od nastanka i popularizacije društvenih mreža, jedno od ključnih pitanja ostaje postoji li i šta je online uticaj. Jučerašnji Twitter panel
#SShour bavio se upravo ovom temom i evo do kakvih se zaključaka došlo.
Ever since the emergence and popularization of social networks, a key question remains whether there is and what is online influence. Yesterday’s Twitter panel
#SShour dealt with this matter and here are some conclusions.
Pre svega, #SShour je zvanični hashtag
američke kompanije Pipeliner, koja se bavi prodajom CRM softvera (
alat za upravljanje poslovanja i odnosa sa klijentima), u okviru kojeg se svake nedelje razgovara o različitim temama. Panel vodi
Rachel Miller, jedna od zaposlenih u kompaniji i juče je tema bila upravo online uticaj i čitava „
fama“ koja oko njega postoji.
Panel je za sat vremena, koliko je trajao, ostvario impresivne statistike (izvor:
tvitni.me). Učestvovao je 81 korisnik iz celog sveta, na 10 pitanja se odgovorilo sa 293 originalna tvita, dok su potencijalni reach i impression dostigli više od pola, odnosno više od 4 miliona.
Pozivam vas da pročitate i pitanja i odgovore, pa da prodiskutujemo u komentarima – da li se slažete ili ne, kao i šta mislite o čitavoj ovoj temi:
1. Šta je Social reach i kako on utiče na poslovne rezultate?
Social Reach = total number of people you are able to reach across all of your various social media networks #SShour
— Rachel Miller (@rachelloumiller) September 22, 2014
2. Da li je moguće „provaliti“ kod za društveni uticaj, zar nisu to samo brojke u pitanju?
A2 Forget tech and tools, study your followers, personally and see what they are interested in. #SSHour
— Greg Wilson (@_gregw) September 22, 2014
3. Šta je Klout i kako koristite njegove podatke o individualnim influenserima?
@rachelloumiller Klout can help you better understand the person and see how value he or she is on social #sshour
— Wendy van Gilst (@wendyvangilst) September 22, 2014
4. kako moć zajednice i ljudska potreba za njom pojačavaju marketinške napore?
A4: Community has the power to amplify marketing efforts if there is an engagement w/ & among members. #SShour
— Iva Ignjatovic (@IvaIgnjatovic) September 22, 2014
6. Šta je share of voice i kakvu ulogu ima u online/društvenom uticaju?
A6: SoV is key for #social influence, its not about who ‘shouts’ the loudest, its about who is respected enough to be listened too #SSHour
— Gemma Davies (@gdavies2) September 22, 2014
7. U svom nedavnom članku @iannarino kaže kako je istina o social sellingu ta da je u suštini to marketing – slažete se ili ne?
A7: Disagree. Marketing is a top of funnel activity. #SocialSelling is much more targeted and direct. #sshour
— David Tuite (@dtuite) September 22, 2014
8. Content marketing i specifično pričanje priča (storytelling) su ključne taktike za online uticaj. Zašto su toliko uspešni?
A8: Content marketing gives brands the opp to educate, entertain, inform, surprise & delight their audience. #sshour
— Jessica E. Roberts (@connect2life) September 22, 2014
9. Zašto toliko brendova i pojedinaca nije uspešno u online angažovanju?
A9) They don’t get out of their own way. Don’t endeavor to be human – BE human. Engage, establish win/win, be useful. #sshour
— Christin Kardos (@bldchris) September 22, 2014
10. Koju ulogu u online storytellingu brenda i pojedinca igra transparentnost?
A10 one cannot have transparency without being vulnerable, and one needs that vulnerability to be authentic. #SShour
— Melinda Byerley (@MJB_SF) September 22, 2014
First of all, #SShour is the official hashtag of an
american company Pipeliner, which sells CRM software (a tool for managing business and customer relationships), in which every week people on Twitter discuss about various topics. Panel host was
Rachel Miller, one of the employees of the company and yesterday’s topic was about online influence and the whole „drama“ that exists around it.
Lasting in about an hour, this pannel achieved impressive stats. 81 participants from around the world answered with 293 original tweet to 10 questions, and the potential reach and impression are quite excellent:
click on image
I invite you to read the questions and answers, and to discuss it in the comments – what do you think about this topic and do you agree or disagree on some matters:
Q1: What is #social reach and how does it affect your #business results? #SShour
Q2: Is it possible to crack the social influence code? Isn’t it all just numbers? #SShour
Q3: What is Klout and how can you use the data they provide about individual #influence? #SShour
Q4: Last week @tamcdonald educated us on the power of community. How does this human need amplify marketing efforts? #SShour
Q5: Data analysis is a key skill set for the modern marketer. Why? #SShour
Q6: What is Share of Voice and what role does it play in #social influence? #SShour
Q7: In a recent article @iannarino says “The truth about #socialselling is that it is really marketing.” Agree or disagree? #SShour
Q8: Content marketing and specific storytelling is a key tactic for leveraging #social influence. Why is it so successful? #SShour
Q9: Why do so many brands and individuals suck at engaging online? #SShour
Q10: What part does transparency play in telling a brand and individuals story online? #SShour