#SparkMe: 3 tips for influencers by Danica Kombol

What would be 3 tips for influencers that are basics and essential for their line of work? Danica Kombol, one of SparkMe speakers just shared with us her thoughts on that.

Just because I didn’t actually go to the Spark.me, the biggest tech/business conferences in the region and Southeast Europe, doesn’t mean I don’t get to listen to them through social media and, especially Snapchat 🙂 That is where I found out about these 3 tips for influencers by Danica Kombol, president of one of leading social media and influencer marketing agencies, so here are her thoughts.

3 tips for influencers

1. Tell your story in your own words. Don’t do it the way other people do or ask them to do it for you – after all, no one can tell it better than yourself.

2. Activate all your Social Media channels. Be wherever you can build your community, but also wherever your audience is.

3. Snapchat is the next big thing, Snapchat ‘s gonna take over the world. You’re not so sure yet? Did I tell you that I found about these tips right on Snapchat 🙂


Listen to her advices, look for more tips on @spark.me on Snapchat and,  if you are in need of assistance entering the world of Internet and Social Media – contact me, let us work together 🙂

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