5 basic tips for successful Social Media presence – Snapchat daily tips
For all of those who are wondering how to have successful Social Media presence, I recently shared these 5 tips on my Snapchat account.
The need to be on Social Media is old news, but somehow, we still struggle when it comes to being good at it. No matter what, we still sometimes wonder: what is it that we need to do in order to be better, more successful and to know is it worth a while? Well, these are some basic tips and starting points:
1. How to know if what you’re doing is good? Set up measurable goals.
What’s the point of Social Media strategy and presence if we don’t know are we any good or is it bringing us any value? Set up measurable goals, know what you want and be realistic. Don’t just say you want 5000 new followers or 20 new posts a day – that doesn’t mean anything. Instead, be more specific – say you want 15% monthly increase in followers, 10% monthly email signups growth, 30% more viewers in the next 3 months, and so on. By narrowing down your goals, making them more specific, you will know how to measure their success – or lack of it. Either way, you’ll know what to do, repeat or change down the way.
2. It’s better to have no content, than invaluable, amateurish content.
Be serious. Don’t assume that Social Media is a place where you can “get away with it” by posting babies or cat memes, or something you do on your free time. If you don’t have specific goals, plans and determination to be present and with good quality content – don’t be on Social Media, you’ll do more harm if you are not serious about it. Posting random links, blurry images and/or photoshopped visuals is definitely not the best way for you to be online.
3. Regardless what some may say, you DON’T need to be on every Social Media.
First, there were My Space, YouTube and Facebook, then came Twitter, LinekdIn, Pinterest, then everything exploded and now we have so much options and so much ways to connect with our customers online. That doesn’t mean that you should. Do the research, see where YOUR target group is and that is a way for you to go. Know your customers and you’ll know where to be. For example, are you a fashion/cosmetics brand talking to a group of young females, teenagers to mid 20’s? YouTube and Instagram are places you need to be on. Tech startup? Facebook and Twitter – first as your base, and second one to research and connect with your potential investors.
4. Whatever happens, never ever argue w/ppl online – it always hurts your business.
Social Media is a two way street, a tool for you to connect with your customers, get to know them better and get them to know about you and your business. Like in any other place, there are and always will be people that don’t like you, don’t agree with you or are just trolling. No matter what, you never ever argue on people on Social Media or you could and will suffer consequences. Big consequences. Remember Amy’s Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro; no?
After being dumped by Gordon Ramsey in Kitchen Nightmares TV show, bunch of negative comments were published on their Facebook page and they did what? The very thing they should never have done: they got to a fight with followers! And, where are they now? Not on Facebook anymore, not after that big mistake.. If there is any lesson to be learned regarding Social Media, this is the one. Never ever argue with people online.
5. Facebook groups are what forums used to be. Use them to promote your business.
Just like back in the old days, Facebook groups are places where people gather around specific subject or a cause. Search around and find the ones that are connected to your cause, organization, niche; be a part of it, talk with the people and share your knowledge that you think will inform/entertain/or give value to them. If you are a food blogger, find food related groups; if you have a parents website and e-commerce, find mommy groups; web development company? – there are plenty tech groups out there for you to mingle and connect. Besides sharing your own content, don’t get surprised to find and learn something new yourself.
If you’re liking these tips, follow me on Snapchat for more and if you need a Digital Marketing consultant – contact me and let’s work together.