Brand Minds 2018 takeaways

In case you’ve missed Brand Minds 2018 conference in Bucharest this weekend, here are some hottest takeaways and tips I gathered from Social.
It seemslike this conference is becoming a tradition. The very first Brand Minds was held last year – and it’s takeaways you’ll find in my earlier article.
This year, the topics were all about branding, marketing, leadership, business strategy, and technology. Well known speakers from the whole world, from Shed Simove to Robin Sharma and Seth Godin and more! And, just like last year, I made a choice not to come to the conference since the ticket price, travel and accommodation just didn’t fit into my budget. Instead, I relied on my Twitter friends to share their key messages from the event which I’m sharing now with you.
Brand Minds 2018 takeaways
Robin Sharma opened the conference with his great and inspiring talk on leadership.
Packed with many inspirational and useful advice and tips, there’s one that struck my attention:
The new rules of legendary leadership:
To lead is to serve, honor your talent by doing world-class work, love and serve #BrandMinds #brandminds2018Robin Sharma
As well as this one:
The only woman in this year’s Brand Mind conference (apart from AI Sophia) was mesmerizing Dr. Helen Fisher, who talked about The insights of Neurosciences of Sales and Advertising. She shared with us her study on how our brain works and what triggers our actions towards buying something. In the light of that, she told us so obvious and yet so underrated truth:
When you understand the brain, you can reach anyone.
Dr. Helen Fisher
Shed Simove had a talk right after Dr. Helen and both of them were recorded live for everyone to watch – still available on Facebook Page. Shed talked about ideas and how to turn them into reality.
Everything that comes to your senses can be turned into an idea.
Look at an idea in another industry and apply to yours.
Shed Simove
One of the speakers on Brand Minds 2018 was the author of Emotional intelligence Daniel Goleman, who shared really great advice about leadership:
Leadership tip – set goals and let people do things their own way, but give constant feedback.
Daniel Goleman
Seth Godin was greatly expected on the stage, he rocked and had some pretty controversial statements of which one was that customer is NOT king. Heavy, right? And another one that is obvious and frightening at the same time:
The good news is that everybody in the world is now your customer, the bad news is that everybody is also your competitor.
Seth Godin
How to fight that, one might ask. Be different, be unique, be you and provide as much as detailed and useful information as you can. Provide your target groups with all the answers and solutions they need, help them to help yourself. My two cents on the matter.
As I mentioned earlier, one of the speakers was Sophia the AI Robot that was scheduled to speak in a 40 minutes session. Instead, she blocked after 20 minutes and the talk had to be stopped. No worries that robots will take over the world in no time soon, I guess 🙂
In my last year’s article, I mentioned that I might go to this year’s conference. Although there were many respectable and credible speakers and a very big crowd (over 3000 people!), I don’t miss going there in person. And despite the low social media share from the very spot, I did manage to catch some tips and snippets an to form some kind of opinion.
In case of next year’s Brand Minds, I’m considering but not making promises. Still, if you are interested, the organizers did put early bird tickets to sale for 299 EUR+VAT until 01.11.
As for the speakers for the Brand Minds 2019, they announced four out of six of them and, again, only one woman so far. Is this a thing or what I cannot tell, still it’s interesting to observe.. are there fewer interesting and inspiring women international speakers..?
What do you think and how did you like the conference?
Image and Info Source: Twitter Stream