How to start with Social Media – Snapchat daily tips

Whether you’re just about to start with Social Media or need a little reminder, here are some basic tips on how to do it well.
This is something I talked about few weeks ago on my Snapchat account (follow me there for more), since some of you were asking me what would be some first things one can do regarding Social Media presence, and here’s what I’ve shared – please, feel free to join the discussion and share some of your tips, too.
1.Think of social media as a tool for ongoing, not short-term campaign
First thing first: if you think of Social Media as a way for short term campaigns – DON’T. It’s not good for you or for your business and can hurt you in the long run. Think of Social Media as your day-to-day task, just as any other thing you do on daily basis. People want to be engaged, want to be talked to, if you are there only to advertise your new product or promote new deal – they’ll see through you and look for another brand that will make meaningful connection with them. Put your mind, time and creativity to make a long term strategy and prepare to be amazed.
2. If you want something ask for it, don’t assume your followers will know
That being said, there’s nothing more engaging then telling people what you want or need. Ask them a question or to follow you, tell them how you can help them, or that you need a review of them – set up clear call to action, don’t just assume that they’ll now by themselves.
3. The more specific you get with your Social Media plan, the better it’s realization will be
You need to know what you wanna do in and with Social Media, what are your goals, in order to make good strategy that will give results. Don’t just say you want more followers or more online exposure – how will you track and measure it; be precise, take your objectives and goals through funnel until you get very specific things that will guide you throughout the way.
4. Use Social Media to show and tell about your business, don’t just sell
Old promotional and advertising ways don’t work on social. You need to get to know people, really connect with them in order to start building relationship with them, the ones that can lead you to success. People are sick and tired of ads and selling pitches – tell them a story, show them yourself, your product, people behind the brand.
5. Get inspired by the people that are better than you.
No matter if you’re Social Media veteran or just starting with it, reach for inspiration from the people that are better than you, whether to seek their advice or to learn from their online actions. Invest your time in research and it will pay you double: not only in getting the wider picture and inspiration, but also in getting to know your competition better. Search for respectable, credible brands within your industry, see how they conduct their online presence, find out what more, better and different can you do and put it in your strategy. Learn from others.